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Polskie magazyny z prawie 60-procentowym udziałem w popycie w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej

Międzynarodowa firma doradcza Cushman & Wakefield podsumowała sytuację na rynku powierzchni magazynowo-przemysłowych w Polsce w 2024 roku. Poziom popytu pozostał na stabilnym poziomie wynoszącym blisko 6 mln mkw. wynajętej powierzchni, co oznacza wzrost o 4% w stosunku do roku 2023. Co więcej, transakcje najmu na polskim rynku stanowiły aż 59% umów sfinalizowanych w regionie Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (9,83 mln mkw.). Hamuje za to aktywność deweloperska – wolumen rozpoczętych w ubiegłym roku projektów był najniższy od 2016 roku. To z kolei powinno z czasem doprowadzić do spadku powierzchni niewynajętej.

24 february 2025
MARKETBEAT: Poland has the second most active industrial market in Europe

According to the latest report from global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield, Poland recorded the second-highest industrial take-up in Europe between January and September 2024. Looking ahead, robust demand, coupled with a decline in speculative construction, is likely to tighten the availability of warehouse space for lease.

22 november 2024
Poland records the highest warehouse take-up in Europe

According to the latest report from global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield, the Polish industrial market saw a marked upturn in occupier activity in the second quarter of 2024, reporting the highest leasing volume in Europe. In addition, Poland’s total industrial stock is poised to soon surpass the 35 million sq m mark.

22 august 2024
2024 to see stabilisation on the industrial market

According to the latest report from global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield, occupier demand was notably weaker on the Polish industrial market in the first quarter of 2024. However, despite a double-digit decline in take-up, Poland was one of the most active leasing markets in Europe. Development activity also stabilised, but this year’s new supply is forecast to be the fourth highest in the history of the Polish industrial market

27 may 2024
Last year was one of the best in the history of the Polish industrial market

According to the latest report from global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield, 2023 saw the second highest supply level and the third highest take-up figure in the history of the Polish industrial market. The sector continues to enjoy strong fundamentals supporting its steady growth despite the rapidly changing macroeconomic environment.

22 february 2024
A strong third quarter for the Polish industrial market

According to the latest report, leasing activity bounced back strongly on the Polish industrial market in Q3 2023. Meanwhile, development activity was largely driven by pre-lets and BTS projects, with rental rates remaining flat in most regions.

16 november 2023
Polish industrial market claims a podium finish

According to the latest report from global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield, gross warehouse take-up stabilized at over 1 million sq m in Q2 2023. Furthermore, at the end of June 2023, there was 2.1 million sq m under construction, with the relatively strong development activity being driven by higher rents encouraging investors to launch new projects. In addition, Poland entered the top three EU markets in terms of warehouse stock, jumping into third spot behind Germany and France.

24 august 2023
Konrad Jacewicz


+48 722 202 804
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New warehouse supply hits an all-time high in Q1

Warehouse deliveries in Poland reached a historic high in the first quarter of the year, reveals the latest report from global real estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield. Despite occupier activity remaining on a downward trend, Poland is still one of the fastest growing warehouse and logistics markets in Europe.

05 june 2023
Industrial market heads for stability

Take-up hits its second-highest on record as new supply sets an all-time high – that’s the story of the Polish industrial market in 2022 in a nutshell.

28 february 2023
Marketbeat: Popyt na magazyny w Polsce pozostaje wysoki pomimo trudnej sytuacji gospodarczej

Polska pozostaje jednym z najbardziej atrakcyjnych rynków dla inwestycji przemysłowych i logistycznych. Całkowite koszty najmu powierzchni magazynowych, energii i pracy należą do najniższych w Europie

25 november 2022
Marketbeat: Another 20 million sq m of warehouse space is scheduled for completion in the next few years while the death of e-commerce has been overstated

Total warehouse take-up in the first half of the year hit 3.8 million sq m, of which 2.2 million sq m was leased in the second quarter.

29 august 2022
Marketbeat: Warehouse completions hit an all-time high of 1.27 million sq m in Q1 2022

According to its data, total warehouse take-up in the first three months of this year reached 1.56 million sq m while the development pipeline hit a record 4.8 million sq m. What are the report’s other findings?

30 may 2022
Marketbeat: Record levels of leasing and development activity - summary of Q4 2021 on the Polish industrial market

In 2021, total warehouse take-up soared to 7.5 million sq m. 3.1 million sq m of industrial space came on stream last year. The development pipeline at the end of December 2021 stood at an all-time high of 4.5 million sq m. Looking ahead, warehouse rental rates are expected to edge up.

24 february 2022
Marketbeat: Rynek magazynowy w Polsce - podsumowanie 2021 r. [SNAPSHOT]

Gdy wydaje się, że rekordy osiągnięte w zeszłych kwartałach są nie do pobicia, okazuje się, że aktywność najemców i deweloperów na polskim rynku magazynowym wciąż pozytywnie zaskakuje.

31 january 2022
Cushman & Wakefield