Move to Poland

E-Commerce Warehouse

Check how much you can save by moving your warehouse to Poland

Current Warehouse


Target warehouse


The sum of your savings after moving the warehouse to Poland:

Components of the sum:

Savings in the cost of renting warehouse space
50 000 EUR
Savings in payroll costs for blue collar employees
50 000 EUR
Savings in the cost of renting office space
50 000 EUR
Savings in operating costs
50 000 EUR
PLEASE, REMEMBER: The rental rate for your project will depend on the specifics of the location, the length of the lease, local market conditions at the time of negotiation and the required technical improvements beyond the market standard (ASTI).

Current assumptions of your project:

Warehouse area: 0 sqm
Number of employees (blue collar): 0 people
Lease start: 0
Office area: 0 sqm
Preferred rental period: 0 years
Damian Kołata

Contact us for more details



The given rental rate applies to a warehouse with an area of GLA 10,000 m2, rent for 5 years, market standard technical specification for class A standard, including: Clear height 10-12 m, Column grid: 12 x 22.5 m, Floor load: 5 t/m2, Fire protection: > 4,000 MJ, no. loading docks: 1: 800 sqm

Why Poland?

Poland offers 62% lower operating costs compared to Germany, so effective rents can double while maintaining the lowest operating costs in Europe.
Assumed standard consumption for a logistics tenant with an area of 10,000 sqm at the level of 480 MWh per year and an average of 50 employees.

Cost comparison

Cost comparison

Average gross labor costs

Base rents in Logistics

Cushman & Wakefield