GLP Warsaw VI Logistics Centre: new investment focuses on energy efficiency

08 february 2024

GLP Warsaw VI Logistics Centre: new investment focuses on energy efficiency


GLP has begun construction of a warehouse centre in Stary Konik, located directly on the eastern border of Warsaw. The approximately 37,000 sq m facility will be equipped with environmentally friendly solutions that will lead to a significant reduction in CO2 emissions during the building's exploitation. GLP Warsaw VI Logistics Centre will become the most energy-efficient building in GLP's portfolio in Poland.

Central logistics base

GLP Warsaw VI Logistics Centre is located close to the city bypass and the A2 motorway junction, providing easy access to important transport routes. The warehouse centre is located half an hour from the city centre, 20 minutes from Chopin Airport and 15 minutes from southern residential areas. These conditions and the location on a major road route that connects Eastern, Central and Western Europe is a major advantage for potential tenants.

Sustainable investment

GLP Warsaw VI Logistics Centre will be powered by heat pumps and tenants will have the option to install photovoltaic panels on the roof. These solutions, along with better insulation and smart metering, will significantly contribute to reducing the building's carbon footprint.

- Energy efficiency is one of the key issues that comes up in conversations with clients about the running costs of logistics buildings. The bills of our project's tenants will not be dependent on gas prices, and we as a developer will have taken another step towards the goal of realising zero-carbon buildings. - comments Magdalena Górska-Wojtas, Business Development Manager at GLP.

During construction, good closed-loop economy practices will be implemented, including the use of certified materials with low environmental impact, recycling of construction waste and, where possible, a preference for purchasing materials from local suppliers.

GLP Warsaw VI Logistics Centre will be developed in accordance with the requirements of the BREEAM environmental certification at the 'Excellent' level. Planned completion at Stary Konik is scheduled for the second half of 2024.

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