AST Supplies chooses Janki to expand its business

15 february 2021

AST Supplies chooses Janki to expand its business


AST Supplies has leased over 1,300 sq m of warehouse and office space in Panattoni Park Janki III. The tenant was represented in the transaction by Cushman & Wakefield experts.

AST Supplies Sp. z o.o. is a wholesaler of high quality remanufactured and compatible printer supplies for use with laser printers. It decided to lease more than 1,300 sq m in a warehouse in Panattoni Park Warsaw Janki III.

AST Supplies needed the lease process to be completed swiftly to be able to expand its business quickly. Location was also key – we were looking for a site close to the airport and national road 7. The standard and location of Panattoni Janki III met all the criteria of the client, which enabled us to successfully finalize the transaction - says Tomasz Bulej, Junior Negotiator, Cushman & Wakefield.

We are very satisfied with our warehouse in Panattoni Park Warsaw Janki III. The location is exactly what we were looking for. The warehouse is new with modern design and equipment, and it’s under good management. We'd like to thank Tomasz from Cushman & Wakefield. With his help and professional service, the whole process before and after signing the lease agreement was completed very smoothly. It is a good start for our business and we are confident we will have a great success in the Polish printer supplies market - says Mr. Choluj, Operation Manager of AST Supplies.

Warehouses in the Warsaw suburbs

Panattoni Park Warsaw Janki III is a modern warehouse park with an area of 70,600 sq m. The logistics centre is optimally tailored to the requirements of industrial occupiers from various sectors. It is located 16 km from the centre of Warsaw, 13 km from Chopin Airport, and close to the intersection of the S8 expressway and national road 7.

Mapa lokalizacji

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