GLP expands portfolio n the Warsaw suburbs

16 january 2024

GLP expands portfolio n the Warsaw suburbs


GLP has purchased a 37,600 sq m warehouse centre in Janki near Warsaw. From now on, the property operates under the name GLP Warsaw VII Logistics Centre.

Attractive location of the park

The warehouse centre purchased by GLP is located in close proximity to the junction of the S7 and S8 expressways. This location makes it a popular location for big-box warehouses whose tenants require easy access to the Warsaw market, as well as major centres in central and southern Poland.

- This is another purchase that strengthens GLP's presence and expertise in key markets in Central Europe. With this transaction, we already manage six completed and fully leased logistics parks in the Warsaw area. We also have another project in the pipeline. - Comments Marek Jandous, Investments and Asset Management Director CEE at GLP Europe.

Sustainable development

The park consists of two buildings and is fully leased by large companies from the transport and forwarding industry as well as those involved in importing food products. GLP plans to work with its tenants to introduce innovative sustainability solutions and to raise the BREEAM certification level. These green initiatives are a significant benefit to both current and future tenants, in line with ESG trends in the commercial property sector.

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