MLP Group expands logistics infrastructure in Łódź

26 october 2023

MLP Group expands logistics infrastructure in Łódź


The expansion of logistics infrastructure continues in the Łódź region with a new MLP Group project. MLP Business Park Łódź, is a new area offering more than 30,000 sqm of modern City Logistics space, including space for light manufacturing. The first facilities are planned for completion as early as the second half of 2024.

Second MLP Group investment in Łódź

MLP Group has strengthened its presence on the map of Poland by investing in a new logistics park - MLP Business Park Łódź, which will be located in the Łódź agglomeration. This is the second investment of this type carried out by MLP Group in Łódź. 

The new complex envisages primarily space for city logistics and light manufacturing. It plans to provide a total of 30,400 square metres of modern space, including 26,600 square metres for warehousing purposes and 3,800 square metres for offices and social areas. The complex will consist of three warehouse halls, which will be handed over to users gradually in the second and third quarters of 2024.

Ecological innovations and friendly space

In line with MLP Group's sustainable development strategy, the new development will be subject to BREEAM New Construction environmental assessment at the Excellent level. The developer's plans include the installation of a photovoltaic system and electric vehicle charging stations. In addition, around 30% of the land on which the logistics park will be built will be preserved as green areas and a retention basin. Up to 550 parking spaces will be provided for bicycle users.

Convenient location

The investment will be distinguished by its excellent location, being in the direct vicinity of public transport stops. In addition, the park will be located just 10 km from the centre of Łódź, 4 km from the A1 motorway (Łódź East interchange), 25 km from the A2 motorway (Łódź North interchange), and 15 km from the S14 motorway, running on the western side of the city. The airport in Łódź will be located just 15 km from the new logistics park.

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