NEFAB Packaging Poland begins its expansion in Pomerania

08 august 2023

NEFAB Packaging Poland begins its expansion in Pomerania


A new chapter is beginning for NEFAB Packaging Poland, a provider of comprehensive logistics and packaging solutions, which has just completed the leasing of nearly 11,000 sq m of industrial and warehouse space at CTPark Gdańsk Port.

Strategic development of NEFAB Packaging Poland

This decision brings the company a strategic leap in the Pomeranian region, where NEFAB is doubling its warehouse scale while expanding production in the north of Poland. 

NEFAB Packaging Poland plans to develop increasingly advanced packaging and logistics solutions, focusing on the telecommunications, energy, automotive, datacom, healthcare and lithium-ion battery technology sectors.

Location close to sales markets

Establishing production lines in the vicinity of target markets has been a strategy observed for a long time. The decision to choose the location was dictated by its convenient proximity to a key customer, Northvolt, and to ensure an efficient logistics process. 

NEFAB Packaging Poland chose the CTPark Gdańsk Port location, which provides access to various modes of transport - sea, air, road and rail - which will facilitate the company's logistics and goods distribution.

Setting up production lines close to markets is a trend we have been observing for months and which we are responding to by building speculative facilities in Poland. We provide infrastructure that is adapted to changing market needs, the economic environment and available to tenants immediately. This is our contribution to the development of the country's industry and an economy that is becoming increasingly independent of production and supply from other countries, becoming a competitor to the world's export powers. The commercialisation success of our debut business park in Pomerania is further confirmation of the rightness of the investment strategy adopted. We congratulate NEFAB Packaging Poland on such a dynamic development and on the launch of its first production plant in Gdansk says Bogi Gabrovic, Deputy Country Director at CTP Polska.

New production and innovative technologies

The new production at CTP Gdańsk Port is a challenge that includes the installation of specialised machinery needed to introduce new packaging and service solutions that meet growing customer requirements and environmental objectives.

Modern equipment and technologies installed at CTP Gdańsk Port will allow the company to maintain a high standard of cleanliness in both packaging and products.


Looking for a warehouse space in the Tricity? Take a look at our portfolio!

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